Friday, March 11, 2016

Grace under Pressure

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It is fascinating to watch the Olympics for many reasons including observing how different athletes handle pressure. Some people seem to seize the moment with relative ease while others sadly fall apart and make uncharacteristic mistakes.

What separates the winners from the losers is often their mental toughness and emotional resiliency.

They have grace under pressure.
It is usually pretty obvious when we see someone who shows grace under pressure:

  • Focus and determination trumps worry and self-doubt.
  • Instead of over-considering what the competition is doing, they commit to executing their own plan of attack and doing the very best they can under the circumstances.
  • When they hit a temporary bump in the road they trust their training, recover quickly and move forward.
  • It seems like they are fully in the moment and enjoying the experience rather than dreading the consequences of failing or under performing.
  • They respect and appreciate the talents and accomplishments of others rather than resenting them.
  • They are generous with their praise and gratitude and somewhat humble in their own self-assessment.

We should take a cue from the best of the Olympic athletes (and this doesn’t always mean the actual gold medal winners).  Our mettle is often tested on a daily basis. We will win some and lose some, but we should always hold on to our personal dignity and strive to show grace under pressure.
Life will have moments of pure joy and exultation, but it will also challenge us with despair and hardship.   All we can do is our best regardless of what happens.
Seize the moments rather than let them seize you!

“You can measure a man’s character by the choices he makes under pressure”
-Sir Winston Churchill


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