Saturday, March 12, 2016

Run until you win

"Runners just do it. They run for the finish line even if someone else has reached it first." 
Running and motivation go hand-in-hand. When it comes to staying motivated, running is a mind game. Numerous articles, books, and news reports have been written on the externals or physical side of running (i.e. training, injury-prevention, nutrition, running apparel, running accessories, etc.), but far too little space and time has been dedicated to running motivation. It is time to reverse the trend. Seek motivation first and the desire to run, and run successfully, will surely follow.
Let's take a look at several tips and techniques for you to obtain, maintain, and increase your motivation to run:
Set goals - great motivation technique is to set running goals for yourself so that you can monitor your progress on a weekly or monthly basis. As you are able to see your progress, your enthusiasm for running will soar.
Be specific - In order to stimulate your motivation, you need to be specific with your goal setting. Instead of saying you are going to set a personal best in a 10K road race, set a goal to improve on your personal best by 15 seconds in the next six months.
Set a deadline - Complacency and an attitude of "I will work on that later" will set in if your deadline for achieving your goal is not defined. Add a sense of urgency to your goal by adding a specific timeframe and watch your motivation skyrocket!
Set realistic but difficult to obtain goals - Your running goals should be achievable and challenging at the same time. An unrealistic goal will kill motivation but a goal that is too easily obtained will lead to boredom.
Write and review your goals - Writing down your goals creates your roadmap to success. Although just the act of writing them down can set the process in motion, it is also extremely important to frequently review your goals. Remember, the more focused you are on your running goals the more likely you are to accomplish them.
Develop a plan and work it - Develop a plan of action to achieve your running goals and then just do it! By taking the time to decide on the specific steps needed to achieve your goals, you increase your motivation and your chances of success. The final step is to get out there and work your plan.
Utilize a training log -Keep a training log of each run. A training log allows you to monitor your progress and learn from your mistakes. Many runners regularly review their training logs to look at the work they have done in the past to provide motivation for the future.
Surround yourself with reminders -Sustained motivation is key to achieving your potential. One way to keep your motivation high is to find out what fires you up, and then surround yourself with it. Examples include: posters, quotes, photos, inspiring literature, biographies of successful runners, running books, running magazines, and videos. Place your "mental stimuli" where you can see it every day.
Set completion goals, not time goals -At some point, you just won't be able to beat the clock any longer. All runners eventually reach the point where they aren't going to get any faster. To avoid discouragement and possibly even quitting the sport, cultivate new running goals. Decide to complete a specific number of races a year or to complete a longer distance race. Whatever you determine, keep your running fresh, challenging, and new by setting some non-time related goals.

Rewards can be a powerful motivator. When you do succeed, make sure to do something nice for yourself. 

"The will to win is important, but the will to prepare is vital."


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