Tuesday, May 5, 2015

But I Didn't Mean It!

This morning I accidentally hit my 3 year old with my handbag as I was coming through the door.
She said "Oh Mum you hit me!"
I responded with, "But darling I didn't mean it, so why are you cracking up at me?" . "But you did hit me Mum. You hit me and it hurts." "But I didn't mean it sweetie - ok?"
Then I realized that actually - No it's not ok. Whether it is intentional or not it needs to be recognized as pain that you have caused another. It really does. She had a little red mark on her forehead and it was in fact my doing. Whether I meant to do it or not.
So I put the groceries down, leaned forward and asked her to show me the mark. I then gave her a Magic Kiss. I said I was really sorry then gave her a cuddle. No more was spoken about it.
It was a really easy thing to do. Much easier than arguing and saying -"It's not my fault because I didn't mean it!" Yes - a lot of things are not intentional but they still need to be recognized as pain.
Now hard is it to just face someone to apologize?

Anonymous Writer.

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