Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Practice The Larry King Rule

I remember watching CNN talk show host Larry King being interviewed on PBS by Charlie Rose. Said something that I’ve carried with me to this day. A simple point (like the best points): work out first thing in the morning - then what should get done gets done. Perfect. Health is your wealth. Without it, you have nothing. You know that (do you live that though?). I had coffee with an amazing friend/thinker last week. He’s in his early forties and operates at a rare level of fitness. “Robin, my philosophy is that the way I treat my body now determines whether I’ll be healthy or sick when I’m seventy.” Brilliant insight. And he works out in the morning.

So here are the 7 reasons to exercise in the morning that I teach my executive coaching clients as well as the organizations we work with to unleash the potential of their people:

1. As Larry King suggested, if you work out early, it just gets done. Otherwise, it’s so easy to come up with excuses not to work out as your day unfolds (hungry/ tired/stressed out/need to go home to my family/ tomorrow will be a better day to do it)

2. By working out in the morning, you actually jump start your metabolism and start up your fat burning engine within. So your workout has an even greater impact and more leverage.

3. By working out in the morning, you’ll make better choices around your diet (isn’t that true?...when we feel fit, we eat better)

4. The burst of energy that an early morning workout provokes will sustain you and keep you energized all day. Increases your stamina.

5. The endorphin rush that your morning workout generates makes you feel happy - which carries through each of your day’s remaining hours (that alone is worth it; there IS a “secret” to happiness. Cost: a pair of running shoes).

6. An early morning workout burns off your stress. And it increases your perspective. Problems just don’t seem as big. And creativity soars. You can handle the day with far
greater focus, resilience to change and calmness.

7. The morning workout will help you to think more clearly. As the best businesspeople are those who are the best thinkers (and decision makers).

So join me. Please. Get up early and exercise. Simple idea. That just might revolutionize your career as well as your life.

Excerpt taken from Robin Sharma’s Little Black book for Stunning Success 

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Thought for the day

“I hated every minute of training, but I said, 'Don't quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion.”

Muhammad Ali


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