Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Celebration of a Life Well Spent

My Mom and Dad passed away within two years of each other, it was a devastating time. The losses felt like something I might never recover from. During their eulogies the loss changed from grieving to a celebration of all they had done in their lives. Their legacy was that they loved unconditionally and never judged. They were parents to all those they encountered.

The number of people who felt their loss and wanted to speak was overwhelming. They had always been there for them, loving, giving advice freely and never judging any of them. Their deaths made many reevaluate their lives, to want to be more forgiving and less judgmental. They started thinking about bringing extended family unit back into their lives.

I realized they both had fulfilled their destinies, not only with us, the immediate family, but with many others. It made me think that many of us spend too much time doing things that do not bring us satisfaction. We also spend time judging others instead of enjoying them for who they are. If we learned to accept each other as is, and not try to push our expectations on others, we would live happier more fulfilled lives.

A life well spent is a life where you enjoy each moment. Enjoying each person you encounter good or bad, and realizing we all have our own paths. That each person we meet may only be in our lives for a brief moment and that we should treat each one with the respect we want for ourselves. Leave a legacy of being an understanding and caring person with no judgments, including not judging yourself. Life is a learning experience and mistakes will be made, the trick is to learn and move forward.

Written by Evelyn Reed

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Thought for the day

In lighter vein

Did you know
‘EPS – Earnings per Share’, a business jargon, which means ‘The portion of a company's profit allocated to each outstanding share of common stock. Earnings per share serves as an indicator of a company's profitability.

“Blessed is the influence of one true, loving human soul on another.”


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