Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Freeing Yourself From Your Story!

What we cling onto and focus on becomes our experience. And holding onto the past will only bring more of that.

It's all mental, kind of a game, where one's attention goes where energy flows, however barriers of belief, fear, resistance, and doubt can scatter or stop that energy from flowing, even with the strongest of intentions.

These barriers are the by-product of identifying with the finite Story we think we are, and within this Story is our past conditioning and future worries, all of which hinder the flow of energy.

However, when we realize and/or awaken to who we really are, which is God having an experience of our Story through us, where we are the infinite creator of that Story as well as the creation itself, this changes everything.

From this infinite place, identifying with our Self there is no conditioning, nor are there any barriers whatsoever. We are boundless creators limited by only our imagination.

And given that we exist in a mental thought world, where our thoughts combined with our energetic feelings of BEingness which touch the fabric of consciousness and attract to us like energies, we then need only take inspired action towards our intended purpose and allow it to manifest.

The trouble with most individuals including myself is indentifying the worthy intended purpose in which to focus one's energy on.

And unlike what the rat race might tell us, it's what brings us joy and bliss in the service of others with our passions and talents that should be our purpose. This is where our creative energy should go.

And in aligning with and identifying with love and our infinite boundless Self, clear of doubt, fear and limiting beliefs anything and everything Becomes possible for us.

Written by Mark L Johnson

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“I do not try to dance better than anyone else. I only try to dance better than myself.”


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